Are Public Defenders Good?

Are Public Defenders Good?

A criminal defendant typically has two options to choose from: a public defender or a private attorney. When being faced with criminal charges, you want the most experienced and professional representation on your case. People often wonder if public defenders are good to have on their side or is a lawyer a better option? There are most definitely pros and cons to either choice so it’s wise to do your homework before making this important decision. 

What is a public defender? 

A public defender is a lawyer appointed to represent someone who otherwise cannot afford to hire a private attorney to defend them in a trial. This means that the defendant does not have to pay for his or her lawyer which can be a large expense.They are government employees who typically make less than lawyers. 

Public defender vs. private lawyer 

Now that you understand what a public defender is, let’s talk about the pros and cons of both public defenders and private lawyers. 

Advantages of Public Defenders 

1. Relationships

One advantage of being represented by a public defender is that they are usually very familiar with a variety of criminal cases. They have experience working with prosecutors on a routine basis and often have developed relationships with them that can help get plea agreements passed. 

2. The Price is Right

The services of a public defender are free. If you cannot afford an attorney, the court will appoint one to your case.

Disadvantages of Public Defenders 

1. Case Overload

Public defenders can see up to 25-50 cases a day. This case overload, to no fault of their own, is a huge disadvantage. They simply don’t have the time to dedicate to your case, making it hard to do a thorough job. Public defenders are likely to push a plea deal over really putting up a strong fight for your case. 

2. Communication

It can be difficult to get a hold of your public defender which can leave you feeling scared and frustrated. With the numerous cases they are working on at any given time, it’s hard for them to make you a top priority.

Advantages of a Private Attorney 

1. Service

A private attorney retains clients by giving excellent service and ensuring their client is satisfied with their work. A public defender will receive case after case, no matter what kind of service they provide. This incentivizes private attorneys to give you their all. 

2. Networking

Private lawyers often have access to resources that can be an asset to you. They work in and are familiar with different courtrooms in multiple cities which opens doors of knowledge and opportunity. 

3. Availability

When you hire a private attorney, they will always be available to you or at the least, have staff that can assist you. This is of enormous benefit when navigating the legal system. A successful private attorney won’t take on more cases than they feel they can win, making them more available to you. 

4. Connection

A public defender won’t have the time to really familiarize themselves with you or your case. A good private attorney will take the time to understand you and what you stand to lose. 

5. Defense Possibilities

Another benefit of a private lawyer is access to defense possibilities. A lawyer can use expert witnesses or private laboratories to help their case because the defendant is paying for the legal services. 

Disadvantages of a Private Attorney 

The only real con to hiring a private attorney is the cost. But, you get what you pay for in life. When it comes to the cost of your freedom, what price are you willing to pay? The cost of a private attorney will depend on what type of charge you are being faced with and the workload and hours involved. 

Do Public Defenders Win Cases? 

There have been numerous studies dedicated to determining whether a public defender or a private attorney wins more cases. Statistics clearly show that you have a far better chance of success when hiring a private attorney. 

Studies conclude that you are not only more likely to go to jail if you have a public defender but you are also likely to serve a longer sentence. Someone that hires a private attorney receives an average of a shorter sentence by three years. You can’t put a price on your freedom, so don’t take a risk by not giving yourself the best chance possible.


Hiring the best counsel can make all the difference between a guilty or not-guilty outcome. If you are facing any criminal charges or feel you are being falsely accused, then your best bet is to hire a private attorney. The upfront cost and fees will be most certainly greater than with a public defender but the benefits will outweigh the cost. 

Don’t gamble with your precious freedom over a few thousand dollars. Even if you have to take out a small loan or borrow money from a family member or friend to hire an attorney, maintaining your freedom is worth it. Shannon with Powell Law is an experienced lawyer in the Beaverton, Oregon area who you want by your side. If you’ve found yourself in a situation that requires professional, compassionate, experienced representation, contact Shannon for a free consultation today.

*Nothing herein constitutes legal advice. You should obtain independent legal counsel regarding your specific factual situation.


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